Crest View 70th Anniversary Celebration Photo GalleryThank you for your continued support! Shirley Barns (CEO) is overjoyed to be a part of Crest View’s 70th anniversary! Our board chair, CEO, and staff celebrate Crest View’s 70th celebration! Our wonderful staff and volunteers line up for a beautiful picture! Shirley Barns (CEO) happily chats with one of the longest supportive families of Crest View Senior Communities. Shirley Barnes and Kiara are excited to be a part of the celebration! Our staff preparing for the party. Crest View is totally “jazzed” to see our community celebrate. Our yumtastic cake! Welcoming all who support elder adults at Crest View. We appreciate the support from Northeast Bank! Happy to be together celebrating Crest View! Long-time supporters of Crest View are happy to be part of the celebration! CEO Shirley Barnes talks with former county commissioner Dan Erhart and his wife Kathy Erhart. Shirley Barnes is happy to celebrate with local businesses. CEO Shirley Barnes and husband Tom. We are ecstatic to partner with other business pillars in our local community! Board chair John thanks everyone for attending. Shirley Barnes speaks about the history of Crest View. Our exciting raffle! Thank you to all who donated to the fundraising! Shirley Barnes is happy to greet John Connolly, Twin Cities North Chamber of Commerce. Board chair and CEO are drawn into conversation. One of our posters highlights the gems of Crest View. The family of our residents are our family, too. Gathering together for this momentous occasion. Shirley Barnes speaks about the history of Crest View.